Sunday evening

I've been trawling around Picture Australia, looking at an endless array of photos and pictures featuring laundry imagery. I'm quite struck by this one, Sunday Evening by Russel Drysdale from the NGV. I think it's the first Australian painting I've found with washing on the line. It also forms a nice introduction to a little series I'm going to do over the next little while, of laundry(ish) images featuring men. They don't have to be doing the washing, just somehow sharing space in the picture with it or some other laundry related item.

Sunday evening, by Russell Drysdale, 1941
It looks like they could use some rain. The ground looks parched, the tank looks empty and the tree somehwat stressed. Do you think that maybe the baby got the first go at the limited bath water and they're all waiting to go next? Or just standing around adoring the baby, as one does? I think the mother looks tired and father and son are trying to keep out of trouble.

G would like the washing line. He's always telling me that a line between two trees or posts is all you need.

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